What is a Subluxation?

A Subluxation describes what happens when bones lose their normal position and motion from stress, trauma, or chemical imbalances.

A Subluxation is a minor misalignment of the segment of the spine (vertebrae) causing an irritation to a nerve with a loss of normal function.

Instead of treating your symptoms, your Doctor of Chiropractic is primarily interested in detecting, reducing, and preventing Vertebral Subluxations.

Read on to know more...

What is a Subluxation?
A subluxation, by definition, is a minor misalignment of the segment of the spine (vertebrae) causing irritation to a nerve with a loss of normal function. This can cause an interruption of communication from the brain to any cell, tissue or organ in the body, which is known as nerve interference. When a vertebrae (spinal bone) is misaligned it puts pressure on the nerves in that area, thereby cutting off communication from the brain to that area supplied by the nerve. The purpose of Chiropractic is to correct the subluxation and restore proper nerve flow.

Subluxations are caused by any stress (physical, mental, or chemical) the person cannot adapt to. Automobile accidents, improper lifting, alcohol, emotional stress, chemical imbalances, and long periods of sitting can cause Subluxations. These Subluxations result in the organ, tissue, muscles, etc., losing their normal function and they can also cause a lowered resistance to disease.

"Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases." -Hippocrates, 460-377 BC

Subluxations are sometimes referred to as the "silent killer". A subluxation, or misalignment of the vertebrae, can often exist undetected and slowly undermine one's health. A study conducted by Henry Winsor, a medical doctor, fount that there was nearly 100% correlation between "minor curvatures" of the spine and diseases of the internal organs.

"All the drugs in the world cannot adjust a subluxated vertebrae." -B.J. Palmer,D.C.

Removing Subluxations Restores Health!

For more information on Subluxations or how to start benefiting from Subluxation Free, call Dr. Kwan, Dr. Bui, or Dr. Jung at 303-922-2977

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