Can children benefit from Chiropractic care?Many spinal problems seen in adults begin in childhood. Proper spinal hygiene is an important key to better health.Regular chiropractic checkups are especially beneficial as head support and natural spinal curves are established. 69% of children under chiropractic care report no occurrence of ear infection. Chiropractic has shown to help children with ear infections, colic, a stronger immune system and much more! Read on to learn more...
The birth process may be one of the most traumatic events in our lives!Head support, followed by crawling, and baby's first few steps should be followed by chiropractic checkups. If neglected, the bumps and falls during this period of rapid growth may lead to serious spinal deformities later in life. This can set the stage for scoliosis, "growing pains", and a weakened immune system.The vertebrae that protect the spinal cord can easily become misaligned during the normal slips and falls that occur while a child learns to walk. Delicate nerve tissue can be damaged, lost muscle tone can weaken the important support of the spine, and discs and soft tissues can swell and become inflamed. The body responds over time with abnormal bony growth. There may be no pain or other obvious symptoms, yet your child's overall health may suffer needlessly. Regular chiropractic adjustments can restore and help maintain. good health.
Many of the problems seen in adults started at birth!Chiropractic adjusting techniques are modified to fit a child's size, weight, and unique spinal problem. Chiropractic adjustments help to keep your child's immune system strong and hence resistant to many germs that lurk in day care centers and classrooms. Parents often report that their children seem healthier than other kids their age. Many spinal problems seen in adults begin in childhood. Proper spinal hygiene is an important key to better health. Do you know a child who could benefit from chiropractic care?
Children naturally enjoy their chiropractic adjustments!For more information on how chiropractic can benefit your child or children you know, call Dr. Kwan, Dr. Bui, or Dr. Jung at 303-922-2977. |