Digestive system (ulcers)

The side-effects of the chiropractic adjustment. Arno Burnirer, D.C. Chiropractic Pediatrics Vol. 1 No. 4 May 1995. This is a case history of J.C. male, 1 year old taken from the records of Dr. Arno Burnier of Yardley, PA. 81 South Main StreetYardley, PA 19067, 215-493-6589.
Nearly all D.C.s have miracle cases, but Dr. Burnier has written his up. Please write up your interesting cases. Medical diagnosis (gastroenterologist): post-viral enteritis, c.difficile enteritis, colitis secondary to antibiotic usage, allergic colitis, gastroesophageal reflux with esophagitis, gastric and/or duodenal ulcer disease, duodenitis secondary to congenital or autoimmune phenomenon, Club feet requiring surgery.
Medication: Amoxicillin, Zantac, Reglan, Tylenol, Ambesol.
Chiropractic results: Off all medication after first visit. Immediate improvement within 24 hours. Complete resolution within 3 weeks of care. Six months later the child is in radiant health, has had no need for medical care and has been free of medication and over-the-counter drugs. Club feet staightened out without surgery within 1 ½ months of care.
Presenting Subluxation Findings: Occiput/C1 with an Atlas ASRP, Sacrum base posterior.
Original Adjustments: Left occiput ridge meningeal contact for 30 seconds, double notch sacral meningeal contact for 1 minute; structural manual adjustment of Atlas ASRP, left Temporoparietal suture adjustment.

Use of spinal manipulative therapy in the treatment of duodenal ulcer: a pilot study. Pikalov AA, Vyatcheslav VK. Presented at the June, 1993 meeting of the Consortium for Chiropractic Research, Monterrey, CA.
Sixteen adult men and women 16-47 years old with endoscopically confirmed diagnosis of ulcer disease were in the experimental group that received chiropractic care. Forty were in the control group that received traditional medical treatment. They were studied using endoscopy and clinical examination. The chiropractic group had pain relief and healing of the ulcer after 1-9 (average 3.8) days while the control (medical) group took ten days longer. Most frequently involved segments were T9-T12. Gonstead claimed duodenal ulcer T4-T10. Homewood's review of the literature signified T6-T9.
The above paper appeared in Use of spinal manipulative therapy in the treatment of duodenal ulcer: a pilot study. Pikalov AA, Kharin VV (JMPT1994 17(5):310.

Acute effects of spinal manipulation on gastrointestinal myoelectric activity conscious rabbits. DeBoer KF, Schutz M, McKnight ME. Manuelle Medicine, 1988;3:85-94.
An acute stimulus thought to mimic a chiropractic subluxation (surgically implanted spinal appliances) was created at T6 and at various points above and below. Within 2 ½ minutes there was a dramatic decrease of smooth muscle contraction in the stomach and duodenum. Masarsky CS and Weber M eds of Neurological Fitness (Vol. 2 No. 4 July 1993) in commenting on this study: "These changes could make the upper gastrointestinal tract vulnerable to disease and dysfunction."

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