Infections, ear infections, improved hearing
"Shortly after this relief from deafness, I had a of heart trouble
which was not which was not improving. I examined the spine and found
a displaced vertebra and gave immediate relief - nothing 'accidental'
or 'crude' about this. Then I began to reason that if two diseases,
so dissimilar as deafness and heart trouble, came from impingement, a
pressure on nerves, were not other diseases due to a similar cause?"
D.D. Palmer, The Chiropractors Adjuster. Portland Printing House,
Portland, Oregon, 1910
Chiropractic results with a child with recurring otitis media
accompanied by effusion. Chiropractic Pediatrics, 1996; 2:8-10.
Author's Abstract (Abridged): A case study of five year
old male with recurring otitis media is reviewed. Chiropractic
Biophysics spinal analysis methods and adjusting procedures were
applied over a six month period. During the six months of adjustments
the child had only one middle ear infection with mild effusion.
In the previous year the child had recurring middle ear infections
with effusion approximately every three to six weeks.
Note: Newer studies in the effectiveness of antibiotics for
middle ear infections in child are reporting that child treated with
antibiotics are more likely to have recurrences. Antibiotics
are known to weaken resistance to disease and that is probably why
children are so affected by their use.
Migraine as a cause of sudden hearing loss. Headache, 1996;
36:24-28. Virre ES, Baloh RW. This review, from Neurological
Fitness, discusses that about one person in a thousand each year are
victims of permanent sudden hearing loss.(SHL) Drs. Masarsky and
Weber write in Neurological Fitness Vol. VI No. 1 "If Drs. Virre
and Baloh are correct in their conclusion that SHL can be associated
with migraine, the two conditions should share a common
neurophypathophysiology. From a chiropractic point of view, VSC
involving the cervicothoracic junction could be expected to disturb
[the stellate ganglion - associated with migraine] directly, while
VSC involving the upper thoracic spine could disturb it indirectly.
Recent chiropractic studies have indicated that cervicothoracic
adjustments can benefit both pediatric and adult migraine sufferers,
lending further support to the migraine-stellate relationship.
Ear Infection: A Retrospective Study Examining Improvement from
Chiropractic Care and analyzing influencing factor. Froehle RM,
JMPT Vol. 19, No. 3 March/April 1996.
Forty-six children aged 5 years and under in a private practice in a
Minneapolis suburb. All care was done by a single chiropractor, who
adjusted the subluxations found and paid particular attention to the
cervical vertebrae and occiput. Sacral Occipital Technique-style
pelvic blocking and the doctor's own modified applied kinesiology were
also used. Typical care was three adjustments per week for one week,
then two adjustments per week for one week, the on adjustment per
week. Interestingly, children with a history of past antibiotic use
was associated with a less favorable outcome.
Results (from the abstract): "93% of all episodes improved,
75% in 10 days of fewer and 43% with only one or two treatments.
Young age, no history of antibiotic use, initial episode (vs. Recurrent)
and designation of an episode as discomfort rather than ear infection
were factors associated with improvement with the fewest treatments."
Chronic recurrent otitis media: case series of five patients with
recommendations for case management. Fysh PN, Journal of Clinical
Chiropractic Pediatrics Vol. 1, No. 2 1996.
From the abstract: The author has presented a case series of
five patients with chronic otitis media who underwent a program of
chiropractic case management, including specific spinal adjustments.
All patients had excellent outcomes with no residual morbidity or
complications. Hypothetical mechanisms for the putative effects of
spinal adjustments at areas exhibiting signs of subluxation, in
patients with otitis media, are presented.
The response of a patient with otitis media to chiropractic
care. Thill L, Curtis J, Magallances S, Neuray P. Life Work,
1995; 3: 23-28.
Authors' Abstract: This paper discusses the case of a
nineteen-month old female with a chronic history of acute episodes
of suppurative otitis media. Treatment consisted of four series of
antibiotics over a six-month period with no improvement; antibiotics
were stopped and then began a four week course of intensive
chiropractic care, with complete resolution at two weeks.
From Neurological Fitness Vol. V, No. 2 Jan 1996: Reviewer's
Synopsis: This patient presented with glassy eyes, a runny nose,
and apparent discomfort evidenced by continually tugging at both her
ears. The mother reported that the child had been like this
consistently over the previous six months. In addition to the
antibiotic therapy noted in the abstract, medical treatment also
included weekly steriod injections and inhalants to control asthma
no improvement had been noticed by the mother and several emergency
room visits had been required due to asthmatic attacks.
Diversified adjusting at C1, T1 and right sacroiliac joint every day
for two weeks. Pulling at the ears, runny nose, and glassy eyes were
resolved by the second visit.
The atlas fixation syndrome in the baby and infant. Gutmann
G. Manuelle Medizin 1987 25:5-10, Trans. Peters RE.
18-months-old boy, recurring tonsillitis, frequent enteritis, therapy
resistant conjunctivitis, suffered from colds, rhinitis, ear
infections and sleep disturbances. "Immediately after (spinal
adjustment) the child demanded to be put to bed and for the first
time slept peacefully to the next morning. Previously disturbed
appetite normalized completely. Conjunctivitis cleared completely."
Vertebral subluxation and otitis media: a case study.
Phillips, NJ. Chiropractic: The Journal of Chiropractic Research
and Clinical Investigation. Jul 1992, Vol. 8(2), pp.38-9).
Author's abstract: In this case, a 23-month-old female with
chronic otitis media who has undergone traditional medical treatment
with no relief of symptoms finds sustained improvement with
chiropractic care. A mechanism for the etiology of chronic otitis
media is suggested.
From Neurological Fitness Vol. V, No. 2 Jan 1996: Patient
presented with a history of sore throat, difficulty in swallowing,
nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, and alternating diarrhea and
constipation. She was also suffering from ear pain and ear discharge
related to chronic otitis media of 17 months duration. This condition
had resisted several regimens of antibiotics as well as surgery to
insert tympanostomy tubes.
Three days after this first adjustment, the ear pain and discharge
were substantially reduced. Continued correction of C1 eventually
resulted in both ears being clear of exudate. At the time of this
report the patient has been symptom-free for approximately four years.
A comparative study of the health status of children raised under
the health care models of chiropractic and allopathic medicine.
Van Breda, Wendy M. and Juan M. Journal of Chiropractic Research
Summer 1989.
More than 80% of the medical children suffered from at least one bout
of otitis media while only 31% of the chiropractic children were so
Diagnosis and treatment of TMJ, head, neck and asthmatic symptoms
in children. Gillespie BR, Barnes JF, J of Craniomandibular
Practice. Oct. 1990, Vol 8, No. 4.
From the abstract: "Pathologic strain patterns in the soft
tissues can be a primary cause of headaches, neckaches, throat
infections, ear infections, sinus congestion, and asthma."
Structural normalization in infants and children with particular
reference to disturbances of the CNS. Woods RH JAOA, May 1973,
72: pp.903-908.
Post-traumatic epilepsy, allergic problems, otitis media and dizziness
have been relieved by cranial manipulation.
Blocked atlantal nerve syndrome in babies and infants.
Gutman G. Mauelle Medizin (1987) 25:5-10.
From the abstract: Three case reports are reviewed to
illustrate a syndrome that has so far received far too little
attention, which is caused and perpetuated in babies and infants
by blocked nerve impulses at the atlas. Included in the clinical
picture are lowered resistance to infections, especially to ear-,
nose-, and throat infections."
Chronic otitis media: a case report.
Hobbs DA, Rasmussen SA. ACA J of Chiropractic, Feb 1991;28:67-68.
This is a case study of a 38-year-old female. She had previously
suffered from headaches and colitis and they resolved after earlier
chiropractic care. Her hearing loss and chronic otitis media symtoms
subsided and hearing was restored through chiropractic care with an
emphasis on cranial adjustments.(Note from Neurological Fitness
Magazine V.1 No.4, July 1992: "Recently, Dr. Peter Fysh (Proceedings
of the National Conference on Chiropractic and Pediatrics (ICA),
1991;37-45 hypothesized that cervical adjustments relieve blockage
to lymphatic drainage from the ears.)
Aerotitis Media: A Case Report. Doyle EP, Dreifus LI,
Dreifus GL. Chiropractic Sports Medicine, 1995; 9: 89-93.
Author's Abstract: The objective of this report is to
determine if spinal manipulation affects symptoms associated with
aerotis media (barotitis), which commonly affects underwater divers
and airplane travels. This study involves a recreational scuba diver
who has a history of eustachian tube blockage that is exacerbated
by diving.
From Neurological Fitness Vol. V, No. 2 Jan 1996:
The 33-year-old male patient presented with a feeling of fullness
in his ears, hearing loss, and tinnitus: these problems were not
relieved by a course of antihistamines (patient had a history of
eustachian tube blockage since childhood).
Following Diversified adjusting (primarily C2, C5) audiometry and
typanometry findings normalized. The patient's subjective
complaints were alleviated as well.
Case history by G. Thomas Kovacs, D.C. International
Chiropractic Pediatric Association newsletter. July 1995.
4 ½ year old female. Chronic ear infections, strep throat,
(on and off for 4 years) 50% right ear hearing loss, adenoiditis
and asthma.
Had been on antibiotics (Ceclor), developed pneumonia, on
bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory for asthma. Also given
ENT diagnosed child with enlarged adenoids. Surgery to remove
child's adenoids and put tubes in her ears was scheduled.
Chiropractic history: cervical (C2) and thoracic (T3) and right
sacroiliac subluxation. Numerous enlarged lymph nodes and muscle
spasm. Chiropractic care of 2x/week for 6 weeks scheduled. After
3 or 4 adjustments mother noticed "a changed child, she has life
in her body again acting like a little girl again for the first
time in 4 years."
After 6 weeks, pediatrician and ENT noticed no sign of ear infection
or inflammation, "Her adenoids, which were the worst the ENT has ever
seen, were perfectly normal and healthy. Hearing tests revealed no
hearing loss. Family told M.D.s 'all medication was stopped 6 weeks
ago when chiropractic care because it had obviously worked."
The side-effects of the chiropractic adjustment.
Arno Burnier, D.C. Chiropractic Pediatrics Vol. 1 No. 4 May 1995.
This is a case history of T & P Roger, males, ages 6 and 9,
from the records of Dr. Arno Burnier of Yardley, PA. 81 South Main
Street, Yardley, PA 19067, 215-493-6589.
Medical Diagnoisis: Chronic ear infections.
Medication: Multiple course of Ceclor antibiotic, Nebulizer.
Chiropractic result: Both Children have been free of
medication and over-the-counter drugs for the past three
years since the onset of care.
Presenting Vertebral Subluxation: Tim C2, C3, D12/L1 Patrick Oc/C1, Sacrum.
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