Chronic fatigue syndrome

Doctors of chiropractic will find this article fascinating. As the difference between the nervous system and immune system dissolve and spinal care's influence on the immune system both from a neuroendocrine and an autonomic approach I predict we'll be seeing more articles like the one below.

Chronic fatigue syndrome update. Findings now point to CNS involvement Postgraduate medicine. Vol. 96, No. 6/November 1994. From the Preview: "Recent research on chronic fatigue syndrome has been directed toward understanding the mechanism of symptom production rather than uncovering the underlying cause of the illness. Abnormalities of immune function, hypothalamic and pituitary function, neurotransmitter regulation, and cerebral perfusion has been found in patients with the syndrome. Dr. Bell summarizes and discusses the implications of these and other findings." One of Dr. Bell's more interesting points was that there is some form of "immune system" activation or immune system dysfunction. The cause of this altered immunological state remains elusive." Vertebral subluxation complex perhaps?

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