
Chiropractic management of primary nocturnal enuresis. Reed WR, Beavers Scott, Reddy SK, Kern G. JMPT Vol. 17, No. 9 Nov/Dec 1994.
From the author's abstract: A controlled clinical trial for a 10 week period preceded by and followed by a 2 week nontreatment period.
Participants: Forty-six nocturnal neurotic children (31 treatment and 15 control group), from a group of 57 children initially included in the study, participated in the trial.
Results: …Twenty-five percent of the treatment-group children had 50% or more reduction in the wet night frequency from baseline to post-treatment wile none among the control group had such reduction.

Nocturnal enuresis: treatment implication for the chiropractor. Kreitz, B.G. Aker, P.D., JMPT 1994: 17(7): 465-473.
A review of the literature of nocturnal enuresis is presented.
the author states: "Spinal manipulative therapy has been shown to possess and efficacy comparable to the natural history."

Chiropractic care of children with nocturnal enuresis: a prospective outcome study. LeBouf C, Brown P, Herman A et al. JMPT, 1991: 14-22.
A 34-month old boy with asthma and enuresis had not responded to medical care. More than 20 emergency hospital visits had taken place for the asthma attacks during a 12-month history. Three chiropractic adjustment were administered over an 11-day period and the asthma symptoms and enuresis ceased for more than 8 weeks. The asthma and enuresis reoccurred following a minor fall from a step ladder reoccurrence of the asthma or the enuresis.

Chiropractic management of enuresis: time series descriptive design. Gemmell HA, Jacobson, BH JMPT 1989; 12:386-389.
Case of a 14-year old male with a long history of continuous bed-wetting that was alleviated (not completely cured) by adjustments. Although not a research study, this exchange of columnist "Dear Abby" addresses bedwetting from a man-on-the-street perspective: Dear Abby: I took my 15-year old twin songs (both daily bed-wetters) to a chiropractor, and within a month, both boys were completely cured. Regular medical doctors could not help them. True Believer. Dear True believe: I believe you. I have several hundred letters bearing the same massage concerning chiropractors (SF Chronicles 3/5/92).

Functional nocturnal enuresis. Blomerth Pr. JMPT 1994:17:335-338.
Eight-year old male bed wetter. Lumbar spine was manipulated once and at 1 month follow-up there was complete resolution of enuresis.

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