Better lung and bronchi health, asthma

Nearly 40 million Americans suffer from allergic diseases. Asthma affects 8% of the school age population and causes more time to be lost from school than any other pediatric disorder. Chiropractic's relationship to it is worth exploring. Asthma was never fatal disease, but now it's attributed to causing up to 5,000 deaths a year. "There are possibly millions of asthmatic children who are destined to a life dependent upon medication; these children may never have the chance to see if chiropractic spinal adjustments can help their asthma and provide them with a better quality of life." Peter Fysh, D.C. San Jose, California. Dynamic Chiropractic Sept. 25, 1995 p.16.

Chiropractic response in the pediatric patient with asthma: a pilot study. Peet, JB. Marko SK, Piekarczyk W. Chiropractic Pediatrics Vol. 1, No. 4, May 1995, pp. 9-13.
From the abstact: This paper reviews the correlation between reducing/correcting vertebral subluxations in the asthmatic pediatric patient utilizing Chiropractic Biophysics Technique (CBP) and symptomology generally associated with this condition. A further objective will be to determine what areas of vertebral subluxation, if any, are commonly seen in this group. The children used for this study had never received any chiropractic care or manipulative care prior to participation in this study. Seven of the eight patients who completed the study were able to reduce/discontinue medication. All participants showed measurable improvement on radiographs which correlated with an improvement in asthma symptoms in seven of the eight cases.
This paper also includes an interesting discussion on the innervation of the lungs and its relationship to the vertebral subluxation complex.

The side-effects of the chiropractic adjustment. Arno Burnier, D.C. Chiropractic Pediatrics Vol. 1 No.4 May 1995. From the records of Dr. Arno Brunier of Yardley, PA. 81 South Main Street, Yardley, PA 19067, 215-493-6589.
Nearly all D.C.s have miracle cases, however Dr. Burnier has written his up. Please write up yours.
Case #1
J.P., 11-year old male,
Medical diagnosis: Chronic asthma.
Medication: Theolair, Alupent
Chiropractic results: Off asthma medication after first visit. Child is now a multidiscipline athlete with aspirations to become an Olympic athlete. Six years later the child is still free of asthma and medication.
Presenting Vertebral Subluxation: Occiput/C1 with an Atlas ASR. Original Adjustments: Structural manual adjustment of Atlas.
F.H., 9 year old male.
Medical diagnosis: Chronic asthma.
Medication: Nasalcron
Chiropractic result: Off his medication at onset of care. Clear of symptoms since first adjustment eight years prior.
Presenting vertebral subluxation: C0/C1 with atlas ASRP.
Original Adjustment: Atlas in lateral flexion and rotation supine.

Chiropractic care in the treatment of asthma. Killinger LZ. Palmer J. Res 1995; 2(3):74-7.
This is the case report of an 18 year old subject with a two year history of asthma and monitored for a five year period. The result was marked improvement in the subject's health status. The greatest improvements were reported in the weeks following the chiropractic adjustments. This was an unusual case because trauma to the cervical vertebrae coincided with the occurrence of asthma and spinal care was directed to the traumatized segments.

Chronic asthma and chiropractic spinal manipulation - a randomized clinical trial Nielsen NH, Bronfort G, Bendix T et al Clinical and Experimental Allergy 1995 Jan; 25(1):80-88.
This blinded, randomized study of 31 patients aged 18-44 who were all on bronchodilators and/or inhaled steroids was conducted at the National University Hospital's Out-patient Clinic in Copenhagen, Denmark. They received either sham or real manipulations. Interestingly, no-specific bronchial hyperreactivity (n-BR) improved by 36% and patient rated asthma severity decreased by 34% in both groups. From the abstract: "The results do not support the hypothesis at chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy is superior to sham spinal manipulation in the management of pharmaceutically controlled chronic asthma in adults when administered twice weekly for 4 weeks." Dr. Koren's comment: These conclusions appear at variance with over a hundred years of clinical observation of chiropractic's effectiveness with asthmatics. Upon study of the paper we notice a number of weakness: subject were all adults on medication for years. Medication was kept up during adjustment. A total of 8 adjustments (2x week) was done. This paper shows that adult asthma sufferers, who are full of meds get as much relief as manipulation than sham? Perhaps the technique used was defective or not specific enough for asthmatic sufferers? This research was poorly designed and not worthy of the term of chiropractic research.

Case history of asthmatic child. Matthews, NC. Et al. A 4-year old female patient reported to the office. International Chiropractic Pediatric Association Newsletter. July 1996.
"Since birth she had problems with her respiratory system clinical diagnosis of asthma. She had shortness of breath, hard and labored breathing, inability to run from shortness of breath had become reliant on antibiotics for constant respiratory infections had taken lots of steroidal drugs. This "conventional" drug therapy had not prevented her from spending every Christmas in the hospital on a breathing machine.
"A complete chiropractic examination revealed vertebral subluxation of the atlas right, sixth given patient responded to the care immediately and was able to suspend using the drugs within two weeks. Within two months, she was able to play with her friends with no symptomatology. Her 5th Christmas was the first at home n her life I wonder if her asthma should have been diagnosed as SUBLUXATION. What would have happened to her if over the last two years she had been on steroids rather than chiropractic care?"

Management of pediatric asthma and enuresis with probable traumatic etiology. Bachman TR, Lantz CA Proceedings of the National Conference on Chiropractic and Pediatrics (ICA), 1991: 14-22.
A 34-month old boy with asthma and enuresis had not responded to medical care. More than 20 emergency hospital visits had taken place for the asthma attacks during a 12-month history. Three chiropractic adjustments were administered over an 11-day period and the asthma symptoms and enuresis ceased for more than 8 weeks. The asthma and enuresis reoccurred following a minor fall from a step ladder but disappeared after adjustments. After a two-year follow-up the mother reports no reoccurrence of the asthma or the enuresis.

Asthma and chiropractic. Garde R. Chiropractic Pediatrics. Vol. 1, No. 3 Dec, 1994.
From the abstract: Case review of a 6-year old boy who has had asthma since 1991 and his condition since chiropractic intervention. Child was prescribed aerosol inhalers (Beclovert and Vertolin) using them every day , up to three times a day. Adjustments were delivered to the cervical, thoracic and lumbar areas. Significant progress. Could run during soccer games and "almost never used his inhaler." Slept more soundly. "Hardly ever had bouts with mucous clogged nasal passages." Nasal inhalant use stopped.

The atlas fixation syndrome in the baby and infant. Gutmann C. Manuelle Medizin 1987 25:5-10, Trans. Peters RE.
Examination of 1,250 infants five days after birth showed over 25% were suffering from vomiting, irritability and sleeplessness. Examination showed that 75% of these infants had cervical (neck) strain. Treatment frequently resulted in an immediate relief of the symptoms.

Asthma in a chiropractic clinic: a pilot study. Jamison J et al J Aust Chiro Assoc., 16(4): 137-143, 1986.
In this study of 15 patients, Dr. Jamison concluded that respiratory function appeared to be unaffected by chiropractic adjustments. However while under chiropractic care six patients reduced their mediations and one stopped them entirely. All patients reported satisfaction with their chiropractic care. Further study is needed.

Prognostic factors in bronchial asthma in chiropractic practice. Nelssen N. Christiansen B. J Aust Chiro Assoc. 1988; 18:85-7.
In this study of 79 subjects, those most likely to report the best benefit had less severe asthma, were younger and responded with one month (and had an average of five adjustments in one month).

Case history: an eight year old asthmatic patient. Cohen E. Today's Chiropractic. Jan-Feb 1988, p.81.
Improvement in care of an 8-year old asthmatic who developed the condition at age two and successful response after chiropractic care.

Asthma in the Pediatric Patient. Fysh, P. Dynamic Chiropractic September 25, 1995. P.16
Case history of Benny, 3-years old who had suffered from bronchial asthma since infancy. On increasing doses of medication, attacks occurred several times a week. Subluxation a C1 and T3-4. Anterior saucering of the spine in the mid-scapular region first described by Pottinger in 1910. After one month of care Benny's asthma resolved. According to the author, "Benny's case is not an unusual one."

Symptoms of Visceral Disease. Pottinger, Symptoms of Visceral Disease, Mosby, 1910.
Pottinger is a famous British MD who noticed that patients with chronic bronchial problems to have an anterior saucering of the spine in the mid-scapular region.

A holistic approach to the treatment of bronchial asthma in a chiropractic practice. Lines DA. Chiropractic J of Australia 1993; 23(1):4-8.
Chiropractic care of two children and one adult (tow-year old, five-year old, and thirty-year old) with asthma. Thoracic adjusting was used in two cases and lumbar adjusting was used in two cases. The patients remained asthma free six months to two years at the writing of the paper. The author's remarks are well stated: "With counting evidence that current medical bronchodilator and inhaled steroid intervention to present allopathic (medical) therapy. It appears that the currently accepted allopathic (medical) management regimes still remain consensus-based rather than having been founded on actual clinical trials."

Effects of soft tissue technique and Chapman's Neurolymphatic Reflex Stimulation on respiratory function. Lines DH, McMilan AJ, Spehr GJ. J Australian Chiropractors' Assoc., 1990; 20:17-22.
Thirty asymptomatic subjects received care. Measurements of forced vital capacity (FVC) were taken. A significant improvement in FVC was noted suggesting that chiropractic may improve breathing capacity.

Prognostic factors in bronchial asthma in chiropractic practice. Nilsson N, Chrisiansen B. J of Australian Chiropractors' Assoc., 1988; 18:85-87.
A study of 97 subjects improvement was reported on average after five adjustments. After one month of care. Evidence that younger asthmatic sufferers usually had a better response than older subjects to spinal adjustments.


A comparative study of the health status of children raised under the health care models of chiropractic and allopathic medicine. Van Breda, Wendy M. and Juan M. Journal of Chiropractic Research summer 1989. Children of chiropractors had a smaller incidence of asthma than pediatricians' children (3.5% for D.C children vs. 5% for children of MDs).

Manipulative therapy an alternative treatment for asthma: a literature review. Dennis D, Golden D, JMPT, Vol. 8, No. 2 July 1992.
From the abstract: "Subjective studies show that manipulation of the spine relieves the patients' symptoms. However, objective findings have yet to be compiled using respiratory indices."

Diagnosis and treatment of TMJ, head, neck and asthmatic symptoms in children. Gillespie BR, Barnes JF, J of Craniomandibular Practice. Oct. 1990, Vol 8, No.4.
From the abstract: "Pathologic strain patterns in the soft tissues can be a primary cause of headaches, neckaches, throat infections, ear infections, ear infections, sinus congestion, and asthma."

Asthma Case history by G. Thomas Kovacs, D.C. international Chiropractic Pediatric Association newsletter. July 1995.
4 ½ year old female. Chronic ear infections, strip throat, (on and off for 4 years) 50% right ear hearing loss, adenoiditis and asthma. Had been on antibiotics (Ceclor), developed pneumonia, on bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory for asthma. Also given steroids. ENT diagnosed child with enlarged adenoids. Surgery to remove child's adenoids and to put tubes in her ears was scheduled.
Chiropractic history: cervical (C2) and thoracic (T3) and right sacroiliac subluxation. Numerous enlarged lymph nodes and muscle spasm. Chiropractic care of 2x/week for 6 weeks, pediatrician and ENT noticed no sign of ear infection or inflammation, "Her adenoids, which were the worst the ENT has ever seen, were perfectly normal and healthy. Hearing tests revealed no hearing loss whatsoever. When the family was asked how long the child was on antibiotics, her family responded "all medication was stopped 6 weeks ago when chiropractic care started." Shocked and confused by this answer, the family was told to continue chiropractic care because it had obviously worked."

Asthmatics Can't Relax According to a new study, (Journal of Clinical Investigation, November 1995) the wheezing of asthmatics is not due to an excessive irritability of the breathing apparatus, but because the smooth muscle in the bronchioles doesn't relax. The scientists contend that everyone has similar brief spasms when irritants come in contact with the breathing tubes, but for some reason the spasms persist in asthmatics.
Comment: Maybe they should look for a subluxation?

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